Sunday, January 5, 2014

Facebook 2013 Year In Review

I am a sucker for tangible moments of growth. Sometimes there are distinct markers, or life events, that you can honestly pinpoint in terms of personal growth. Taking time to pray, mediate, reflect on how far you have come can be awesome, or really difficult.

This past year, 2013, was one of the hardest I have ever survived. 
Until I was able to breathe, until I was able to have a decent paying job, until I was able to have my own apartment, until I was able to have a comfortable bed to sleep on (rather than a friend's couch or the floor), I just had no idea how much I was struggling.

Some great things happened in 2013, despite all the heartache and abandonment I was feeling. I fell in love. The deep kind of love that both my head and my heart were in agreement of. However, like all good things, this love story came to an end.

I appreciate the little goodies facebook puts together when it comes to your top moments of the year. I was so sad that basically all of mine, though, revolve around my failed love. I can honestly say that I was the most happy I have ever been in 2013 while simultaneously being at the lowest point in my entire life. My year in review makes me sad...but that is okay because I had a sad year. It turned around miraculously at the end, but for the most part, my 2013 was an emotional roller coaster. I am really happy to be off that ride and starting a new one with 2014.

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