Sunday, August 30, 2015

Cool or creepy...?

At what age does doing something solo stop being cool and turn into creepy?

By "doing something solo", I am referring to attending a very public, all ages, event. (...such as a concert, or race, or sporting event, etc.)

Is the concept of "cool" and/or "creepy" dependent on the mindset of the solo individual or the majority of the crowd that surrounds the individual?

Is doing something solo ALWAYS cool?

Is doing something solo ALWAYS creepy?

Can doing something solo have elements of both cool and creepy? Or must it be one or the other?

Solo AVAS Project is so much more than the name of this blog... this is my life.

I do (most) things solo.

Thursday, August 27, 2015


I was all about this show...until yesterday.

There are a few, very specific things in movies and TV shows that cause me to have a physical reaction to what I'm seeing. 

'A physical reaction' as in a migraine... or feeling dizzy/light headed/out of breath... or nauseous... or fainting... or instant diarrhea (weird, I know)... or throwing up. 

'Things' such as senseless violence and/or torture for sport - a la 'Gladiator'; and any kind of rape scene.

Don't get me wrong- I love me a good action/adventure movie. The more explosions and suspense the better! The good guy fighting (and beating!) the bad guy - hell yes! Go Good Guy! The underdog battling hard and winning the day! Whooo! YEAH! But when it comes to hand-to-hand, bare knuckled, bloody and gory fighting for someone else's entertainment - without just cause - I cannot handle it. It physically makes me ill.

Confession: I have never watched 'Gladiator' from start to finish. I could barely get through the first 10 mins. It made me nauseous and I threw up. I didn't even know I could do that until I started to watch 'Gladitor.' The guy I was dating at the time was just as surprised as I was that I had such a strong reaction to the beginning of the freaking movie. Hahaa! There went a fun date night... down the toilet... oh well.

I have never been the victim of rape. The amount of evil in the intent to rape is what messes with my head and physically makes me ill. 

I love-love-LOVE 'Sons of Anarchy'. Yet, when Gemma gets kidnapped and repeatedly gang raped by the neo-nazi skinheads, I crapped my pants (not literally...but I totally lost my sh*t). I was sick for several DAYS after I saw that episode and I had to take a long, long break from watching SOA because of that episode/season. I just could not handle it.

I was very curious about 'Bates Motel' when it first appeared. But the part early on where a big, scary man chases Mrs. Bates around the kitchen and then violently rapes her when he catches her, f*cked with my head so much that I passed out. I lost my breath then lost some consciousness. It was just too much. 

Enter the highly-anticipated S3 of OITNB.
Kudos, E9: you made me throw up+. One rape scene just wasn't enough... right? You had to do two. And having a minute to breathe between the rape scenes was asking too much, wasn't it? Because they just had to be back-to-back. Wow. I can't even...

That's it for me.
I'm done.
This show is off my radar.
...which sucks because I love it! I want to know how everything goes!

But I can't.
I need some time.

Those rape scenes... they were just too much for me. I still feel so sick.


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Postal Service Roulette

I am the co-MC for a wedding next week (on Friday, 09/04/2015).
I just ordered my dress for the wedding from this awesome Etsy shop today: thedaintyard 
It is being shipped from Singapore.

S i n g • a • p o r e . 

Usually shipping takes 2-3 weeks. 
I got the "express shipping" option...which states that it can take 1 week.
Here's to hoping/wishing/praying that it will pass customs in a timely manner and arrive next week!

...a game of Postal Service Roulette, anyone??

Why the heck not?!

I'm not even nervous about this.
I'm totally feeling good about this.
I will have my dress in time!
I just know it will come through! :)

Thursday, August 20, 2015

I spread my wings and fly...

Shout out to Maggie

The best internship I ever had was working for a woman named Maggie and her web site (RIP) called We met at coffee shop a couple times a week in Irvine and she taught me about the importance of building a solid community of ambitious, goal-oriented, dream-chasing, strong-willed, successful business women. Maggie's vision for was to have a single spot on the world wide web where women could collaborate, support, and encourage one another to pursue their dreams of financial independence, starting a business, balancing a career and motherhood, and the like. She had a goal for to be a resource for women wanting change their lives in a positive way by providing tips, tricks, and templates to get from 'point A' to 'point B'; as well as a safe place for women who have reached (some of) their goals to share their stories.

I was lucky enough to be chosen as the intern to maintain the site and update it regularly with content that was pre-approved by Maggie. I was also able to interview some successful business women/published authors and write articles about the upcoming releases of their books.
...Right out of college, I had no idea how much these experiences and wonderful, valuable lessons would impact me!

...until now.

It was a very short time that I was able to work with Maggie and learn from her. We are no longer in touch today, yet from time-to-time, I think of her and wish her well. I am so very grateful for that experience!

Wherever you are today, Maggie, I just know you must be happy and thriving. I hope you are able to sit back and marvel at all of your successes! You are a go-getter, a hard worker, a great role model. I thank you for your time, attention, patience, and expertise. To this day, I am still honored and humbled by that summer we got to work together. The spirit of has always stayed with me. Thank you!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

PiYo Live Certified

So... I did it.
I signed up to get certified as a group fitness instructor for PiYo... and I PASSED. !!!!!.

I did it.
And I passed.
And it was AWESOME!
And I am so stoked, I can't even see straight.

I've never had confidence in my abilities like this, before.
...I really like it.

I know I'm an Aries and can have really arrogant tendencies...but this is different.
It feels so different.
I can walk the walk AND talk the talk.
In a really humble, yet strongly-present way. Without being arrogant.

...I really like it.

This is the first day of the rest of my life.

This is a whole new beginning.

This is ONLY the beginning!

There is so much more to come... I just know it. :)

And I am ready for it. And I welcome it! With wide open arms/eyes/ears/heart/mind/body/soul! I am so very excited for what is coming up for me...I don't even know what it is, but I know it is going to be RAD. !!!.

Thank you God...Jesus...Universe...Great Mystery...all the saints, angles, spirits, holy people in heaven and on earth who have been with me throughout my life. I can't thank you enough for everything you have done and continue to do for me. :) This win is for you, too! We worked hard to get here! haha! Please continue to watch over me and protect me and bless me. We have so much more work to do. xo