Sunday, January 5, 2014


Well, here I am. Back to blogging. Back to being single.
It's a new year. Filled with hope, promise, mystery. I eagerly, yet cautiously, anticipate what lies ahead.

I have a new apartment. I have a new refrigerator. I have a new bed. I have a new-ish car (officially 3-years-old!)... I'm ready to do this: face this life. Work with the cards I've been dealt. You sure want to be along for the ride? It's bound to be bumpy...but guaranteed to be one hell of a good time. I have a unique perspective on life, right now; and I guess you can say that I am in an interesting point in my life. You see: no one in my immediate social circle is single. I am the only one.

Now that, that's out of the way... I will thank you for stopping by.
I sure hope you stay awhile - you won't want to miss any of this!

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